ChatGPT Upgrades to Real-Time Internet Browsing
OpenAI’s ChatGPT has shed its previous limitations and can now use the vast expanse of the internet to furnish users with up-to-the-minute, authoritative information, complete with direct source links.
This enhancement, eagerly awaited by users, is currently in the process of being rolled out to all OpenAI Plus subscribers only. With this new browsing capability, ChatGPT is poised to rival Google’s AI chatbot, Bard, which debuted in March of the current year.
Until now, ChatGPT’s proficiency was tethered to data available up to September 2021, rendering it incapable of delivering real-time insights. However, OpenAI had previously experimented with a feature that permitted users to access the latest information via the Bing search engine as part of the premium ChatGPT Plus offering. Regrettably, this feature was temporarily deactivated two months later due to concerns that it could enable users to circumvent paywalls.
This latest development follows closely on the heels of another significant announcement by OpenAI— incorporating voice and image capabilities into ChatGPT. These highly anticipated features are slated for release to Plus and Enterprise users over the course of the next two weeks. OpenAI has also assured users that the voice and image functionalities will be accessible on both iOS and Android platforms, allowing users to opt in through their app settings.
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